What happens when your home has been on the market for a month, with no interest and no offers?
You call in a Professional Home Stager, like Conni Sugden of Design Rewind in Austin, Texas.
Without appealing staging and visualized potential, this wonderful home just wasn’t connecting with buyers. Even though it’s location was prime and it’s price was competitive, it still lacked that third element: presentation.
In today’s market, three things that consistently sell homes are: Price, Presentation and Promotion. You need to price your home competitively, present your home beautifully and promote your home through every marketing avenue possible. When these three things are done well, homes sell. Period.
Want to present your home at it’s best, attracting more buyers and lucrative offers? Contact Design Rewind, Austin’s go-to Home Staging resource at 512-417-2876. To see examples of some of the beautiful homes in Austin, Texas, visit our portfolio page. Just like this home, pictured above, sold in only 2 weeks after staging, don’t waste time sitting on the market unappreciated and unsold. Get STAGED today so you can get SOLD tomorrow!