Home Staging in Austin, Texas – A Worthwhile Investment

In today’s tough economy, where every penny counts, is having your home “staged to sell” worth the money?  That’s a question asked by many home sellers and real estate agents alike.  Aside from the fact that Home Staging shows your home’s best features, greatly improves your MLS pictures and thereby increases buyer traffic through your home, what’s the bottom line for the seller?

In response, consider this:  staged homes sell faster, as noted in the February 2010 RESA Real Estate Staging Statistics Report (www.realestatestagingassociation.com).  If you consider that a staged occupied home spends 78% less time on the market than a non-staged home, that translates to more money left in your wallet.  Less months of mortgage and utility payments.  More money to put towards your new home and future endeavours.

Design Rewind

We’ve all seen the credit card commercials that describe certain things in life being “priceless”.  The same goes for the value of professional Home Staging.  Not having the headache of preparing your home for sale………priceless.  Having your MLS pictures stand out from the rest………..priceless.  Having your home sell faster and for more money…………priceless!
